Code of Conduct
We like to think that we here at TASSP are a pretty easy going bunch. But that doesn't mean that we don't take safety, security, and respect seriously.
That's what these rules are designed for, and they are non-negotiable. Violating these rules is grounds for removal from the party (without a refund), and potentially being barred from future party entry. TASSP is a private event (even the vendor faire), and we reserve the right to remove or bar entry to anyone to any TASSP event for any reason.
Main thing to remember? Just don’t be a dick!
All play at TASSP/BU events must be consensual, and safewords must be followed. Any safeword may be used if agreed to prior to play, but the default is the stoplight system: red for stop, yellow for pause, and green for go.
Failure to stop play when a safeword is used will result in dismissal from the event. If you aren’t 100% sure that you have consent to do something to someone, don’t do it! Consent is not subject to lawyering or loopholes. When in doubt, just ask and be explicit.
Midscene negotiation is not advised, and all sexual conduct must be pre-negotiated (see sexual conduct section).
Bottoms should use safewords when needed and speak up if something isn’t working. You are responsible for your own negotiations, and by attending the event, you agree that you are capable of negotiating in good faith.
TASSP/BU operates on RACK (Risk Aware Consensual Kink), and the standard is “enthusiastic consent.”
To report any instances of consent violations at a TASSP/BU event, please contact us through the email found at the bottom of the page. In general, any concerns regarding safety or conduct should be directed to that email.
Drugs and Alcohol
Consent requires that everyone involved is capable of understanding the risks of a scene, and capable of making decisions. Drugs and alcohol make that harder.
We do not judge anyone for their desire to use recreational drugs. However, the use of substances illegal in Texas is a liability to the party, in addition to being a hinderance to proper consent and negotiation.
Therefore, the use of recreational drugs is strictly prohibited.
Consumption of alcohol is allowed for any guest over the age of 21, but anyone who is inebriated may be barred from play and may be removed from the suites. If alcohol consumption becomes a disruption to the event, you may be removed from the party.
While the hotel does sell alcohol in its lobby bar, restaurant, and outside the ballroom during certain events, TASSP/BU will never provide alcohol to anyone. We ask that any alcohol that has been brought into the suites be held in a discreet container (no beer cans, wine bottles/glasses, etc.).
No alcohol is allowed at any time in the dark party area.
Photography, Privacy, and Security
We take the privacy and security of all our guests seriously.
Photography is not allowed unless expressed consent is given at the time from everyone in the picture (including those in the background). The TASSP official photographer also follows these rules.
Only registered guests are allowed in at any time. This may include party suites, party floors, ballroom space, etc. Do not bring in outside guests into the event. Guests may purchase day passes or come to the vendor fair (signed waiver required).
You must wear your TASSP name tag at all times. Our security personnel will not let anyone without a TASSP name tag into any TASSP event. If you see someone in a TASSP event without a name tag, please notify security or a party leader immediately.
Do not disclose any personal information of another party-goer to anyone at any point. You are welcome to share as much personal information as you wish with others, but that is for each person to decide.
Sexual Conduct
The default play at all TASSP/BU events is an over underwear hand spanking with no sexual conduct or contact whatsoever. If you want to deviate from any of those elements you must get affirmative consent PRIOR to the scene starting.
Sexual conduct is not permitted in the main party suite— take it to your room or to the dark party!
Hotel Rules
You must follow all of the rules of the hotel at all times. Be respectful to the hotel and hotel staff. Verbal or physical abuse of any sort towards the hotel will not be tolerated.
No play or nudity of any sort in the public hotel areas such as the hallways, elevators, and lobby is allowed. We recommend wearing a robe or a wrap when going from suite to suite.
Do not yell across the hall. We know it’s tempting, but please show respect to the other people at the hotel on other floors who may be sleeping.
You are responsible for your own room. Any and all damages in your room are your responsibility.
Signs are not allowed to be posted on doors or anywhere in public view without approval. Small postings in the corner of room windows such as “Steve’s Room” are allowed. But no “Get Your Floggings Here!” signs please!
Basically, if you do anything to upset the hotel, or endanger our relationship with the hotel, you may be removed or suspended.
Harassment will not be tolerated.
If someone has said that they do not wish to play/talk/hang/etc with you, you must respect that wish. Do not continually ask someone to play after they have said no.
Bratting is good fun, but bratting at someone who has said that they do not wish to play or who has stated that they do not wish to be bratted at is a violation of their consent.
If someone has said that they do not wish to play with you, that carries over to fundraisers and charity events as well. Do not attempt to use our charity events as an opportunity to spank someone who has previously told you no.
Please note that someone making you feel “uncomfortable” is not the same as harassment. While violations of social norms are unpleasant, they may not constitue harassment. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable, be direct and ask for them to stop the behavior. If the behavior persists, contact a party official or member of security (who will contact a party official).
Targeted harrassment or intentional bullying of any individual, for any reason, will not be tolerated. Regardless of perceived justification. This includes but is not limited to: doxxing/outing or threats of doxxing/outing, encouraging self-harm or outside harm to come to someone, repeated active efforts through words and/or deeds designed to cause mental or emtional distress.