TASSP 2025: The Time Travelers’ Ball
Step into a world where time bends and twists, bringing together the past, present, and future…
Imagine a grand ballroom where Victorian elegance meets futuristic flair, and ancient warriors mingle with 80s rockers, Renaissance painters, and space-age explorers.
What and who will we find there? Perhaps a medieval knight has been caught challenging duels, and needs a firm hand to temper his bravado? Maybe 1920s flappers are dancing the Charleston with wild abandon, only to be not-so-gently reminded of the rules by a caring suitor. Or maybe a futuristic adventurer has overstepped the bounds of time, deserving a swift and painful punishment. In this ballroom, every era has its own way of handling mischief, and yet they all seem remarkably familiar somehow...
Guests are encouraged to dress from any time period—be it the distant past, the near future, or even a time of your own creation. Whether you’re a Victorian scholar, a 70s disco diva, or a traveler from a parallel universe, the Time Traveler’s Ball welcomes all. But be warned! A well-timed swat might just be the price of crossing centuries!
Join us at TASSP 2025 for a weekend where every moment takes you to a different era, and every playful punishment is a reminder that no matter when you’re from, a little discipline goes a long way. Embrace the past, explore the future, and don’t forget to have fun and experience the magic of time travel—no time machine required.
Our themes are simply a bit of fun. We might do some decorations based on the theme, and we encourage people to dress up on Saturday night for the dance based on the theme. But you are more than welcome to attend TASSP and absolutely not pay any attention to the theme whatsoever.